There are a number of Unsuccessful Years."
Success can only be tasted by those who can bear failure. It can only be rejoiced by those who have not feared failing. It's like: when you succeed there will be people who will rejoice with you but also there are going to be people who will be envious of you. This is life.
At any point a taunt also from an envious person can pinch you, because it is only your heart who knows how much of hardwork and dedication it took to stand where you are. But, when you succeed, the fruits of success seem to be so sweet such that they suck all the bitterness coming from such people and makes it sound even more sweeter.
Another aspect is: Because of these taunts popping in when you failed, it got your world down. But, at the same time,
It gave you the POWER to get up,
It gave you the COURAGE to walk,
It made you work HARD so that you are able to leave a trail.
Most importantly,
"Life is not about SUCCESS or FAILURE,
It is about what you have LOST from your SUCCESS,
And what you have GAINED from your FAILURE."
These are two contradictory statements which can create tremendous arguments, but, the logic behind it is very simple,
On one hand,
If you have got SUCCESS, you have definately given away some sort of comfort or you have lost something you never wished to part with.
On the other hand,
If you have failed, that means you have attempted something NEW, so if you fail, i.e., lose then you will definately get something in return, because that is the rule of UNIVERSE. If it takes something, it will give you a hundred things in return. Just as we say, if GOD shuts one door, he opens another 1000........ doors for you. But, the only test that he takes everytime is of your DETERMINATION. He will never plan something which will harm us, he will always guide you to listen to what your HEART says.
We din't learn to WALK without FALLING,
We din't learn to TALK without FUMBLING,
We cannot DIE without being BORN,
How can you SUCCEED without FAILING ???
Everybody can advise you to play it safe, but safe play can never teach you the "REAL LESSONS" of life.
Success doesn't come to those who play it safe, it comes to those who take the RISK.
It doesn't come to those who are smart, it comes to those who have the GUTS to shine out.
It doesn't comes to those who fall and cry, it comes to those who can LOOK up to GET up.
It is your UNSTOPPABLE desire to reach your dream is what will make you reach.
It is the will to not give up,
It is the will to move on,
It is the will to fall but not stop,
Only then,
"You are a Master of your DREAMS,
And Your DREAMS are not your Master."
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